Electrical installations

We are engaged in the design, installation, modernization and servicing of power and signal installations on marine, industrial and construction and residential facilities.

Stable cooperation

We rely on long-term partnerships with our subcontractors. This ensures that the projects will be completed on time and in accordance with the agreed requirements.

Experience and qualifications

For the quality and efficiency of our projects, we recruit the best specialists who have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform work at the highest level.

Trust and security

You can count on us !

We work together on a clear and compliant basis so that our relationship is based on mutual trust and respect.


We guarantee safe working conditions.

About us

From small projects to industrial projects

We are a company specializing in the design and installation of electrical systems for clients in various industries and sectors. We have already been trusted by many companies and institutions for which safety and reliability is a priority.

Thanks to the experience and knowledge of our experts, we are able to provide solutions tailored to the individual needs and requirements of each client.

Professional support at every stage

Are you looking for assignments in Germany?
Or are you looking for someone to perform this order for you?

Offer for companies

Our team of experienced electricians and specialists provides the highest quality of service, in accordance with current regulations, taking care to complete the project on time.

Offer to candidates

We offer favorable cooperation for subcontractors to carry out electrical work. We guarantee stable employment, security and timely payments.


Where do we implement our projects?

Industrial facilities

We specialize in comprehensive project implementation, from needs analysis and design of electrical systems to installation, testing and maintenance.

Housing construction

Our experienced electricians have the knowledge and skills to complete projects quickly and efficiently, meeting the highest standards of quality and safety.

Maritime facilities

Our services are customized and take into account all the requirements and safety standards that apply to the maritime industry.

Why we

Why should you work with us?

Our company is always focused on the needs of our clients, and our specialists undertake each project with dedication and professionalism.

We are distinguished by


How is the cooperation going?

Determination of conditions

The first step is to contact and determine the details of cooperation. We want to learn more about your expectations and give you our perspective.

Signing the contract

Based on the agreed requirements and terms of cooperation, we prepare documents that define the conditions and obligations of both parties.

Start of cooperation

Once the contract is signed, our cooperation officially begins. You will receive all the necessary information as determined during the initial interview.

Join our team

Join our team and start achieving success with us. Together we can meet your goals and exceed your expectations.